Is the SCORKL safe?
Yes, the SCORKL is a safe, certified under water breathing apparatus intended for recreational use. More than seven thousand people across 65 countries already love to SCORKL.
Information on the safety of the SCORKL
Yes, the SCORKL is a safe, certified under water breathing apparatus intended for recreational use. More than seven thousand people across 65 countries already love to SCORKL.
We designed the SCORKL to meet the highest SCUBA performance standards in the world (European Standard BS-5045-8). The SCORKL regulator is certified against the European Standard EN250:2014, the current standard that all SCUBA regulators must meet.
Every SCORKL user should know and understand the risks and precautions necessary to dive underwater safely: Most importantly, never hold your breath, always equalise your ears and don't ascend too quickly.
The maximum recommended depth is 6 metres (20 feet) in water temperatures no colder than 15°C (60°F). The SCORKL can be used in freshwater and saltwater.
All SCORKL users should be over the age of 15, fit to dive, and proficient at swimming. SCUBA certification is recommended.
No, pregnant women should not use the SCORKL or any other self-contained underwater breathing apparatus as there are heightened risks to their health and the health of their foetus.
To minimise the risk of a pulmonary barotrauma while SCORKLing, always breathe continuously especially during ascent, never ascend rapidly, and if you have existing lung conditions, get a medical exam by a doctor knowledgeable in diving medicine.
Ear barotrauma can occur if the SCORKL is used improperly. To minimise the risk, equalise your ears before you feel pain or discomfort, first on the surface and then constantly (every metres (few feet)) by blowing gently against pinched nostrils.
Decompression sickness ("the bends") is only a remote risk for SCORKLers since time underwater and depth, the key factors contributing to decompression sickness, are severely limited due to the relatively small volume of air available in the SCORKL.
Before you dive in with your SCORKL you must review the risks, safety precautions and proper methods of use. Strict adherence to the safe diving practices is imperative for safe use of the SCORKL.
As a general rule it is recommended to wait 24 hours after diving before flying. Ascending to high altitude after diving increases your risk of suffering from decompression sickness because of the decreasing atmospheric pressure.
Yes, the air from the SCORKL Hand Pump is safe to breathe. The SCORKL Hand Pump comprises replaceable air filters which ensure the air going into your SCORKL is clean and suitable for breathing underwater.